This year Freetown Village is again partnering with Storytelling Arts of Indiana and their monthly Indy Story Slam.
Indy Story Slam is a fun night for storytellers of every skill level, designed as an after-work event to relax and unwind. Storytellers of every skill level, or want-to-be storytellers, will have up to five minutes to tell a true story based on the monthly theme. The theme for April is “High School”.
The rules of #IndyStorySlam are as follows: Stories must be up to five minutes long, personal, true, told in first person, and based on the theme, which can be interpreted narrowly or broadly. We just ask tellers not to use props or read from the page. Prizes will be awarded to the top three tellers, as determined by our judges. Note: Parts or all of your story may be posted on our social media or YouTube channel.
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE/WATCH IN PERSON: Deadline to register to compete is April 19th at 5:00 p.m. Send and email or just show up in person.
On site location: This month, we’ll be in the Ed & Peggy Bonach Board Room #222 on the second floor of the Paul Norman Center. Off Cold Spring Road, look for the Allison Mansion entrance. Allison Mansion will be on the right side and the Paul Norman Center is on the left, after entering the campus grounds. Park in the Marian Hall or Paul Norman Center parking lot (next to each other, same entrance.) Since the event is after regular school hours, no passes are needed, and plenty of parking will be available.
If you don’t want to tell a story, you can volunteer to be a judge or timekeeper.
IF YOU JUST WANT TO WATCH/LISTEN ONLINE: Indy Story Slam will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube.
This event is FREE! Online donations are encouraged.